What Is The Cataract?

A clouding of the lens, which hinders the passage of light through the lens.

What Causes Cataracts?

A cataract occurs when there is a buildup of protein in the lens that makes it cloudy.

What Are The Symptoms Of Cataracts?

Cataracts usually form slowly and cause few symptoms until they noticeably block light. When symptoms of cataracts are present, they can include vision that is cloudy, blurry, foggy or filmy; progressive nearsightedness in older people often called “second sight” because they may no longer need glasses; changes in the way you see color because the discolored lens acts as a filter; problems driving at night such as glare from oncoming headlights; problems with glare during the day; double vision; and sudden changes in glasses prescription.

How Are Cataracts Treated?

If diagnosed with cataracts, your vision may be able to be corrected to an acceptable level with a change in prescription, eyeglasses – including bifocals or contacts – may be prescribed, eliminating the need for surgery at that time.

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