What Is Glaucoma?

Increased pressure inside the eye slowly reduces vision. Peripheral vision is lost first, often going undetected for years.

What Causes Glaucoma?

Normally, this fluid, called aqueous humor, flows out of the eye through a mesh-like channel. If this channel becomes blocked, fluid builds up, causing glaucoma. The direct cause of this blockage is unknown, but doctors do know that it is most often inherited, meaning it is passed from parents to children.

What Are The Symptoms Of Glaucoma?

The first sign of glaucoma is often the loss of peripheral or side vision, which can go unnoticed until late in the disease. Detecting glaucoma early is one reason you should have a complete exam with an eye specialist every one to two years.

How Is Glaucoma Treated?

Glaucoma treatment may include prescription eye drops, laser treatment or microsurgery.

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